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Aspects of Pluto 1977-1983

Updated: 3 days ago

Here are the significant Pluto aspects from 1977 to 1983, which represent deep, transformative forces at work during this period:

Pluto Sextile Neptune (1976-1982)

  • Dates: This long-lasting aspect was exact multiple times between 1976 and 1982.

  • Influence: This is a subtle, harmonious aspect that enhances spiritual transformation, psychic awareness, and profound philosophical shifts. It tends to bring about the gradual breakdown of old ideals and the emergence of new ones. On a societal level, it can represent shifts in collective consciousness.

  • Historical Context: This aspect coincided with the rise of new spiritual movements, an increased focus on environmentalism, and the beginning of global awareness of complex issues like climate change and nuclear disarmament. It was also a time when ideas about personal growth and transformation gained popularity, reflected in the self-help movement.

Pluto Square Jupiter (1981-1982)

  • Dates: Exact in 1981 and 1982.

  • Influence: This challenging aspect represents the tension between personal or collective expansion (Jupiter) and profound, unavoidable transformation (Pluto). It can lead to power struggles, excesses, or upheavals in belief systems, philosophy, or global policies. It is often associated with conflicts of ideology and the restructuring of societal values.

  • Historical Context: The early 1980s saw significant global conflicts and changes, such as the deepening of the Cold War, economic crises, and the Falklands War in 1982. This aspect reflects the tension between global superpowers and the fight for control and dominance on the world stage.

Pluto Conjunct Saturn (1982-1983)

  • Dates: Exact in late 1982 and early 1983.

  • Influence: This powerful conjunction signals a period of intense transformation, often involving the destruction of old structures and the rebuilding of new ones. It’s associated with profound, systemic changes in society and personal struggles with authority, power, and responsibility. The conjunction can lead to both crisis and renewal.

  • Historical Context: This period saw massive political and economic restructuring worldwide, such as the end of the economic downturn in the U.S., the continuing struggles in Eastern Europe under Soviet control, and the rise of conservative politics under leaders like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. It was a time of increased nuclear armament and Cold War tensions, where the world felt the weight of potentially catastrophic change.

Pluto Square Uranus (1976-1977)

  • Dates: Exact from 1976 to 1977

  • Influence: Pluto’s Uranus marks a revolutionary change and profound disruption. Uranus pushes for sudden, radical innovation, while Pluto demands profound, transformative shifts, often through crisis or upheaval. The square aspect creates tension, resulting in social unrest, political revolutions, and technological or scientific breakthroughs.

  • Historical Context: This aspect coincided with significant global change, including the Final War War, economic instability, and the rise of political movements. The late 1970s saw revolutions in Iran and technological innovations, such as the rise of personal computing, which reflected the clash between the old and the new.

Pluto Opposite Chiron (1982)

  • Dates: Exact in 1982.

  • Influence: This opposition represents deep healing through pain and crisis. Pluto, the planet of transformation, forces confrontation with deep wounds (Chiron) on both a personal and societal level. This aspect often brings out mortality, health, and individual empowerment issues.

  • Historical Context: In 1982, the world was grappling with the emergence of the AIDS crisis, which exposed weaknesses in healthcare systems and societal stigmas around illness and marginalized groups. This opposition reflects the need to heal deep collective wounds and find empowerment through crisis.

Pluto Sextile Uranus (1975-1980)

  • Dates: Exact from 1975 to 1980.

  • Influence: This aspect represents a period of harmonious but radical transformation. Uranus brings sudden, innovative change while Pluto deepens and strengthens the transformation, making it long-lasting and profound. It encourages breakthroughs in technology, science, and social structures.

  • Historical Context: This aspect aligns with vital technological advancements, such as the development of the personal computer, the beginnings of the digital revolution, and the shifts in global power structures during the Cold War era. It was a time of growing innovation, environmental awareness, and global interconnectedness.

Pluto Trine Mars (1979-1981)

  • Dates: Exact from 1979 to 1981.

  • Influence: This aspect encourages intense energy, drive, and the ability to take decisive action in times of crisis. It represents a period of powerful personal or collective ambition, where deep desires for control or transformation can be realized. MaPluto’MaPluto’sm to Pluto’s Pluto’srmative force, making change more action-oriented and immediate.

  • Historical Context: This period saw heightened Cold War tensions and conflicts, such as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and movements for greater autonomy, such as the rise of Solidarity in Poland. A surge of energy focused on confronting oppressive regimes and pushing for liberation.

From 1977 to 1983, Pluto’s aspects were marked by themes of profound transformation, power struggles, and societal restructuring. The most significant aspects involved Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn, which facilitated technological innovations, political revolutions, and shifts in collective consciousness. This era saw technological breakthroughs, growing global tensions, and significant political Pluto Pluto’s in reshaping society and driving transformative change.


1. Pluto Sextile Neptune (1976–1982):

  • Spangler, D. (1976). Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred. Dell Publishing.

  • Merchant, C. (1994). Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World. Routledge.

2. Pluto Square Jupiter (1981–1982):

  • Gaddis, J. L. (2005). The Cold War: A New History. Penguin Press.

  • Hastings, M. (1983). The Battle for the Falklands. W. W. Norton & Company.

3. Pluto Conjunct Saturn (1982–1983):

  • Reagan, R. (1990). An American Life. Simon & Schuster.

  • Jenkins, S. (2007). Thatcher & Sons: A Revolution in Three Acts. Penguin Books.

4. Pluto Square Uranus (1976–1977):

  • Halliday, F., & Alavi, H. (1988). *State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan. Monthly Review Press.

  • Ashraf, A. (1994). *The Iranian Revolution and the Islamic Republic: Studies in Modern Iranian History*. Cambridge University Press.

5. Pluto Opposite Chiron (1982):**

- **Historical Context**: The AIDS crisis exposed deep weaknesses in healthcare systems, highlighting issues of stigma and marginalization.

- Shilts, R. (1987). *And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the Martin’sMartin’sdemicartin'sMartin’s- Fee, E., & Fox, D. M. (1988). *AIDS: The Burdens of History*. University of California Press.

6. **Pluto Sextile Uranus (1975–1980):

  • Ceruzzi, P. E. (2003). A History of Modern Computing. MIT Press.

  • Naughton, J. (2000). A Brief History of the Future: The Origins of the Internet. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

7. Pluto Trine Mars (1979–1981):

  • Goodwyn, L. (1991). Breaking the Barrier: The Rise of Solidarity in Poland. Oxford University Press.

  • Coll, S. (2004). Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001. Penguin Press.


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